For the past few months, the city has been working on utilities under Arkansas Ave and Main St. Due to bad patchwork, the city has opted to rip all of the asphalt up and go back to simpler times of dirt roads.
The city will also be taking bids for horse posts to be placed along main street parking to accommodate those who will be traveling in from the 17th century. Traffic lights will also be replaced by a crew of traffic light switchers, bring back, not only nostalgia to the city but jobs as well.
We will be cutting down on maintenance costs and bringing jobs back into the city by making these great changes. Not only will this bring the city back into the 17th century, but it will also take us back to our roots... the tree roots of Russellville. - Russellville Officals.
The city opped for this change after many complaints of uneven roads after the recent paving of both major thoroughfares.