Many of you have been causing a stir wondering what is going to be built at 815 N Arkansas Ave in Russellville. Nuke Nation heard your cries and have since set off an investigation into the matter. Reports sent in indicate that the property will be home to another Orr Auto dealership dubbed "Orr Threee."
Jeremiah, a long time resident on Denver Avenue, is excited about the new dealership stating, "Now I won't have to travel to the other side of town to daydream about my future auto purchases."
Karen, who lives on Parker Road with her 13 furry felines, is quite distraught over these findings, she tells nuclear nation news, "I don't know why we need another car lot in town, and why they choose to build on this side??? We have been car lot free for many years, and it should just stay that way; Hashtag Just No."
Despite the concerns of Karen, construction continues. Workers estimate they will be on the job for another six months, weather permitting.